Godalming Museum

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The Museum’s collection of prints and drawings is currently with a specialist paper conservator for condition reports. Over the next few years I hope to have the works conserved on a rolling programme. This will enable the Museum to display pictures which have not been seen by the public for many years. In preparation for this,  a Museum Volunteer has been researching the artists represented in the collection. She would particularly like to know more about the following artists:

C. Bailey; Galor; Richard Greening; Finney Lawrence; A. Needham; R. Nichols; J. Nisson;

T. Ogilvy; Henry O’Brian; H. Ripley; Gilbert Rumbold; F. C. Snell; and W. R. Voller.

If you can supply any information at all, please contact the Museum. Thank you.


                                                                    Web site last updated 13/11/2004