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The Museum building is itself very old and has seen a lot of history...

Then and Now

Godalming can lay claim to a world first!!

Godalming High Street became the first in the world to install electric street lighting on November 12th 1881.

This engraving shows the High Street, the market house on the far left and the building on the right of the picture behind the street light is  the location of the Godalming museum .
And here is the same street today, hardly changed, except for the cars.
proclomation edward small
proclomation small
Proclamation of King Edward 7th, 31st Jan 1901, by the mayor Alderman Charles Burgess in the town centre market place.
Proclamation of King George 5th, 12th May 1910 in the market square, by the mayor Alexander Munro again in the town market place.

You can also see the famous Westbrook House and one of it's previous owners, General James Oglethorpe

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